Episode 2: Life on the Farm

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How is everyone doing? We, here at Left Coast, are staying healthy, social distancing, and missing YOU like crazy! Your responses to our first-in-this-series have been heartwarming, immensely welcomed, and so much fun to share. Thank you for being in touch.

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Bud break is at hand, and our early spring weather has been spectacular. With school no longer in session, we have happily enjoyed the presence of some, perhaps, Future Farmers of America, here on property. Winemaker Joe's son, Michael, above, has been accompanying his Dad in the vineyards.  Juan, the son of our Vineyard Crew Chief, Arturo, while not yet actually driving, is another bright spot in our days. We are alternating, working remotely, as we continue to keep our agricultural adventure going forward.

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My Uncle Francis who farmed his whole life, with my Grandparents north of Seattle, always told us that kids don't need anything more than a puddle and a stick, a good dog, a few cats, and some chickens to feed. All available everyday at Left Coast, at least a few things don't seem to have changed!

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Might you recognize Left Coast CEO, Taylor, and Creative Director and Sister, Cali? Granted, Cali's sketch was taken from a photograph of more than a few years ago. Here, with Annabelle, the ideal Family Dog, an Australian  Shepherd-Border Collie Mix who graced our lives for over 15 years. She was a protective sort, and I worried about how she would adapt once we opened the Tasting Room in July, 2007. Scouting down Anna one day, I found her standing on one of the then patio picnic tables, an adoring family petting away. Her shy nature evaporated with such sweet attention. Our Vineyard Dog had found her calling.

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Today we have Taylor's and Christina's Kodiak, this photo from Craig McGill's and Susan Elliott's Wine Dogs of Oregon, 2018. You may have seen this book, displayed in the Tasting Room. Craig was a near magician to manage this pose! Annabelle appeared in his earlier Wine Dogs USA 2, 2008, and on the Willamette Humane Society annual calendar. She was a fine, fine dog as is Kodi. 

Left Coast and Kodi were featured in the Spring, 2020 issue of Fido Friendly magazine. Fun!


Mr. Blue, likely a quite rare Russian Blue, has grown to be our Tasting Room Patio Mascot, and how he misses your good company. Originally part of Meow Village's feral cat program, he has grown to prefer the domesticated life, won over, I suspect, by your offerings of pizza. He is now largely relegated to a much less Italian diet, certainly more emotionally than nutritionally deprived. While we strongly discourage  sharing your pizza with him, I must admit, last Sunday, Mr. Blue and I shared a slice, sausage, his favorite. He was a very happy cat.


The chickens and ducks are laying like mad. Too many eggs to eat without all of you. Duck eggs, in good supply, are a baker's dream so please think about calling in to order a carton or two for pick up with your wine, daily, or with pizza and wine for curbside pickup on the weekends.

Here's to the time when the produce of the gardens will be coming into the Tasting Room Kitchen. We will be raising our glasses and smiling together again. How I look forward to that!

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In closing, we, gratefully, toast to all of you and to the 250 sheep, mowing, fertilizing and playing King of the Mountain, this view from our front porch. And to their free spirits in a Great Escape when Lisa and Sue rose to the rescue! 


Life on the farm, never a dull day.


Cheers from All of us to All of you

Photo credits: Lisa Fahrner and Sue Fridley, our Dynamic Duo in the Tasting Room, are hosting virtual tastings, Saturdays, 11 AM, tune in via Instagram or Facebook. Craig McGill, Winemaker Joe, and your's truly, Left Coast Mom, Suzanne, also contributed. and your's truly, Left Coast Mom, Suzanne🌻

Illustrations by Cali